Mochipet Live at Solar Eclipse Festival Sulawesi Indonesia 2016 (Free Download)


Mochipet Live at Solar Eclipse Festival Sulawesi Indonesia 2016

Recently I had the honor of playing at the first Solar Eclipse Festival in Sulawesi Indonesian. Located on an island just east of Borneo, the festival was like nothing I have ever experienced before. Thousands of people from all around the world gathered and danced on top of a Aboriginal Indonesian Reservation to watch a Full Solar Eclipse in the middle of nowhere. There were stages and tree houses completely constructed out of bamboo and recycled materials. The infrastructure was all made to be sustainable as possible and I did not meet one person I did not like the whole time I was there. There were local acts as well as artists from all around the world. Sure there was problems, they were doing a full scale festival in the middle of nowhere. But what came out was nothing short of amazing. I wish you were there to share in my experience but since you were not please enjoy my set from the show; it contains many unreleased tracks as well as some side projects which will be released officially in the upcoming months!

P.S. Thanks to Aaron Mountain / Projekt Seahorse for the art!


Much Loves,

Mochipet Going on Tour with Zoogma in The Southeast!


Mochipet is hitting the road with Zoogma just off of Jam Cruise This Week!
Make sure to check them out if you are in the South East!

Here is the full list of shows:

Jan 16, 2013 – Tallahassee, FL () @ Sidebar
Jan 17, 2013 – Columbia, SC () @ Five Points Pub
Jan 18, 2013 – Athens, GA () @ Georgia Theatre
Jan 19, 2013 – Birmingham, AL () @ Workplay Theatre
Jan 23, 2013 – Atlanta, GA () @ Asylum
Jan 25, 2013 – Charlotte, NC () @ Neighborhood Theatre
Jan 26, 2013 – Charleston, SC () @ Charleston Pour House

Also Mochipet is coming to Colorado with the Full Live Band in Feb!

Feb 15, 2013 – Denver, CO () @ Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom – Mochipet Live w/ Ill Mannered & Knight Riderz

Mochipet Just Added to The Dew Tour in San Francisco Civic Center

Mochipet has just been added to the Concert Portion of The Dew Tour held at San Francisco’s Civic Center along with Portugal the Man and Reptar, Music Starts at 7pm. Click Here for Official Site

Where is the Dew Tour?

For the first time in its eight year history, the Dew Tour will be hosted in San Francisco, California. The Dew Tour Toyota City Championships will take place in the heart of San Francisco in Civic Center Plaza. The event is sure to have a city feel with many of our courses inspired by San Francisco and the skaters and BMX riders that live there.

What events/disciplines will be featured?

The following events will be featured at the Dew Tour Toyota City Championships:

BMX Dirt, FMX, Skateboard Street, BMX Street, Dirt Best Trick, Skate Streetstyle and BMX Streetstyle.


What athletes will be competing?

Paul Rodriguez, Ryan Sheckler, Nyjah Huston and many more are set to compete at the Dew Tour Toyota City Championships. Check out the full list of confirmed athletes here:



What can someone expect to see/get out of their time in The Dew Tour experience?

The Dew Tour Experience reflects the culture of action sports and the lifestyle of our fans through live partner brand experiences. The Dew Tour Experience will be FREE for everyone. Each of our partners will have a booth filled with different elements and products.

Our Partners include: Mountain Dew, Toyota, Pantech, iON, Paul Mitchell, Mongoose, National Guard, Stride and

Dew Tour Experience elements include: Autograph signings, Skate and BMX Courses, Giveaways, Product displays, Social Media, Scavenger hunts and Contests.

How can someone get to the Dew Tour at Civic Center Plaza?

The best way for Dew Tour fans to get to the event is by using public transportation, including Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (Muni). Parking will be available, but limited around the venue. Below is more information on the different ways to get to the Dew Tour Toyota City Championships.

PK of Canada To Provide Sound for Mochipet at Academy of Science in San Francisco!

PK Sound The same system you heard on Excision and Skrillex Tours will be providing sound for Mochipet‘s Jurassic Night Life on 9/20 at the @ the California Academy of Sciences

Get a Sneak Peek at Mochipet's New Live Show at San Francisco's Academy of Sciences Jurrasic Night Life

Get a sneak peek at one of Mochipet ‘s new outfits and live performances before it debuts in 2013 at California Academy of Sciences Jurassic Night Life This Month, Thursday 9/20!

Click Here for Information on the Event..

Click Here for more information on Academy of Sciences Night Life

Mochipet At the Academy of Science’s Dinosaur Exhibit


Mochipet’s performing at the Academy of Science’s Dinosaur Exhibit on September 20th in San Francisco. Stay tuned for more details to come. For more information on Academy of Science’s nightlife, follow:

Mochipet with MC Zulu and Yan Zombie

By Sijay James

Saturday April 21

Undoubtedly one of the most colorful and wild characters, in the electronic music world, David Wang (aka Mochipet) never fails to be an interesting act to catch. Mochipet has an enormous discography, with releases on numerous labels, and collaborations with dozens of performers, producers and MC’s. His label, Daly City Records, currently releases some of most eclectic and genre bending bass music being produced today, including tracks by Nelson’s own Yan Zombie, who will also be playing Saturday’s show. Mochipet is also known to play in a purple dinosaur costume, unleashing mayhem as the “purple crunkasaurus”. His last two shows in Nelson were unforgettable.

Joining Mochipet will be the legendary MC zulu, known for his rapid fire, randomized cadence, and his choice of uncategorizable rhythms as a backdrop. One of the underground’s most in demand ragga and futuristic dancehalls mc’s Zulu has worked extensively with both Mochipet and Yan Zombie this year. Zombie is fresh from having won the Kootenay Music Award for best electronic producer, and has just released his remix of mochipet’s “mochipet is evil” on Daly city records. This show will be a tag team battle royale of giant superheroes, badmon MC’s and genius zombies, all tied together with visuals from Nelson’s mystery visualist, INVISIBLE.

MC Zulu & Mochipet – Mochipet is Evil

Ghislain Porier ft. MC Zulu – Immigrant Visa (Yan Zombie Remix)

Mochipet @ Denver, CO

Come party with Mochipet on his “Pet Your Godzilla” tour at the Bluebird Theater, which was built in 1913 and originally named after the prominent Denver grocer and druggist, John Thompson.


Bluebird Theatre

March 22nd, 2012

9:30 P.m. – 2:00 A.M.

$12 Tickets

Ages 16 +


3317 East Colfax Avenue

Denver, CO 80206

Mochipet will be playing @DEFCON in Las Vegas, July 2012


Click Here for article

Exciting news that is first in a series of many! DEF CON is officially announcing some big musical guests this year, the first of whom is breakcore/glitch/hip-hop all-star Mochipet! You’ll be able to catch him at the DEF CON 20 official opening Thursday night pool party!

Here are a few examples of Mochipet in action:

Whomp-a-saurus Sex

Mochipet Godzilla New Year Video by Savage Henry

A Milli Girls – Mochipet (pseudo-NSFW)

城市遊牧影展開幕派對好熱鬧 DJ界台灣之光「紫色恐龍MOCHIPET」現身

Click Here for article

火箭科學家加上幼稚園老師、台灣加上舊金山,再補上一顆愛玩音樂敢冒險的心,長年旅居國外的MOCHIPET,藏身在紫色恐龍道具服下,是一個來自台灣而在美國西岸大放光彩的音樂創作者。MOCHIPET在台灣出生,父母皆是台裔電子/hip hop製作人,定居在西岸音樂重鎮舊金山,表演總是穿著紫色恐龍裝,製作的音樂相當廣,不僅作品獲得極高的評價,也吸引了許多不同類型的藝人、製作人爭相找他合作。2012城市遊牧影展即將在4月12日開幕派對特別邀請他現身,讓台灣的朋友也能親自體驗他的厲害!除此之外,此次開幕的重要嘉賓還請到東京前衛電子組合「三奶頭 TRIPPPLE NIPPPLES」首度來台,是一組近年歐美炙手可熱的表演團體,音樂融合裝置藝術的現場演出也將讓大家值回票價。早鳥票一張500元開放預購至3月18日,一般預售票至4月13日止,還請各位朋友把握機會趕緊搶購。(

如果說林書豪是籃球界的台灣之光,那麼MOCHIPET可說是DJ界的台灣之光也不為過。出生於台灣、定居美國的MOCHIPET,從小深受同是音樂人的雙親耳濡目染,創作類型從電子、實驗電子、IDM、breakcore、hardcore techno、reggae、dubstep到hip hop都有,把玩各多種音樂卻不含糊。他的高超刮盤技巧源自於對音樂的熱情,即便是今日逐漸數位化的電子DJ設備,MOCHIPET還是不時帶著黑膠唱片上場。他曾在美國加州著名的爵士音樂台KCSM獨挑大梁擔任3小時節目的音樂DJ,不但曾與BEASTIE BOYS一同製作過遊戲音樂,最令人讚嘆的是2008年一組二十人制交響樂團,曾在紐約卡內基音樂廳改編並演繹他的作品 “Dessert Search for Techno Baklava”。除此之外,專業滑板手Ray Barbee、電音女王Ellen Allien,甚至爵士鼓手都是他合作的對象。他對各種類型音樂的涉獵以及豐富的經歷讓光芒難被埋沒,旋風已經遠從美西橫掃至美東,台灣樂評愛吹倫也特別撰文推薦,「現場演出是一次次完美的mashup,將不同類型的音樂做一個最完善的處理,帶動現場氣氛的功力也是一絕!」無疑是當今美國電子/hip hop樂界的紅人。

另外一組開幕派對的嘉賓,則是來自東京的前衛電子組「三奶頭TRIPPPLE NIPPPLES」。英國衛報(The Guardian)形容他們的現場表演「是那種傳奇性演出」,也有人說他們音樂的衝擊波會一擊致命,美國音樂教父、N.E.R.D主腦菲董(Pharrell Williams)不僅急切地想與他們合作,更親口背書:「他們有夠瞎趴!」

他們究竟有多厲害?2010年曾於日本大型音樂祭Summer Sonic演出,2011年即被邀請到歐洲兩次巡迴,Die Antwoord 跟80年代傳奇電子 pop 樂團 Devo 都邀請他們做暖場,Vice雜誌還特別找他們主持東京音樂節目,2011年底在紐約七場表演都 完售!他們融合electro節奏和punk的樂風,演出現場經常使用燈光、極限服裝、發射器等裝置藝術,帶著趣味又隱含情色和極其激烈的表演,絕不能錯過他們當紅的魅力。

2012第11屆城市遊牧影展即將於4月12日起跑,於開幕首週末舉辦的開幕派對一直都是影展一大特色。今年除了邀請國外難得一見的藝人,台灣樂迷一直喜愛的電音搖滾暴女GO CHIC、節奏舒爽Q電的FUNKY BROTHERS、各大派對的掌門舵手DJ MARCUS AURELIUS、DMC DJ競賽冠軍的DJ NOODLES麵麵也都是派對的指定名單。加上現場絕對少不了的VJ、音樂、表演者視覺饗宴,就是要撩撥起每個人心中的迷幻小宇宙。此次影展為期十一天至4月22日止,於華山文創園區舉行,預計共放映十餘部紀錄片和劇情片,以及入圍競賽和觀摩單元的數十部創作短片。不忘影展創立時的獨立與反向思考精神,這次也帶來一系列關於設計藝術、環境生態、網路文化、音樂人物等各主題的影片共襄盛舉。更多資訊,請參考官方網站:,或加入臉書專頁:

2012城市遊牧影展開幕派對 購票資訊:
NT500 限量早鳥票 (3/1開賣至3/18)
NT600 預售
NT700 現場


Copyright © Mochipet