CHICXULUB REBIRTH Mochipet’s New Release is Out Now

cover by: 
Kill The Box Design

When we last left the dinosaurs, they had nearly escaped extinction and were headed to a newfound land. Since that time, Mochipet has enlisted the help of his friends Freddy Todd, Sugarpill, D.V.S., s.p.e.c.t.r.e, Papa Skunk, Elfkowitz, Preshish Moments, Smash and Grab, Bass Science, dkon, Profresher Blacklight, Renee Leah and Zen Death Squad  in the creation of a brand new feast of sounds for their fans to dig into. Seventeen tracks of stomping basslines and glitchy overtones are designed to make crowds rawr for more!

Available at: Beatport | iTunes | Amazon | Emusic | Juno | 1320Records



01. I Really Don’t Think We Are Ok Ace    (Sugarpill Remix)

02. Dinosaur Anthems    (Derek VanScoten D.V.S. Remix)

03. The New Ark    (S.P.E.C.T.R.E Remix)

04. Yoshi’s Dinosaur Egg Hunt    (Papa Skunk Remix)

05. A Home Away From Home    (Freddy Todd Remix)

06. A Home Away From Home    (Elfkowitz Remix)

07. The New Ark    (Preshish Moments Remix)

08. I Really Don’t Think We Are Ok Ace    (Smash & Grab Remix)

09. Dinosaur Anthems    (Bass Science Remix)

10. Yoshi’s Dinosaur Egg Hunt    (Free Crush Remix)

11. Dinosaur Anthems    (Living~Stone Remix)

12. Fossils    (Dkon Remix)

13. The New Ark    (Profresher Blacklight Remix)

14. Fossils    (Renee Leah Remix)

15. Home Away From Home    (Zen Death Squad Remix)


ARTIST: Mochipet

TITLE: Chicxulub Rebirth


LABEL: 1320Records/Daly City Records

FORMAT: Digital

RELEASE DATE: 03/20/2012

Mochipet will be playing @DEFCON in Las Vegas, July 2012


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Exciting news that is first in a series of many! DEF CON is officially announcing some big musical guests this year, the first of whom is breakcore/glitch/hip-hop all-star Mochipet! You’ll be able to catch him at the DEF CON 20 official opening Thursday night pool party!

Here are a few examples of Mochipet in action:

Whomp-a-saurus Sex

Mochipet Godzilla New Year Video by Savage Henry

A Milli Girls – Mochipet (pseudo-NSFW)

San Francisco Artist Mochipet Bounces Back from Gear Theft With Support of Fans

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1) Tracking  Software (these track your laptop in case it is stolen)
– Project Prey (free)    – Lojack  – Apple iCloud (will track your Mac)

2) Always keep a copy of your Serial Number so you can report to police

3) Always report your stolen laptop to the police department. (if you bought your computer with a credit card come companies will give you money back if it is stolen)

When, a few week ago, San Francisco electronic music artist Mochipet’s laptop was stolen during his ongoing Pet Your Godzilla Tour 2012 while in New Orleans he did two things. First, he warned other artists who use their laptops for their music of what precautions to take in
case of a similar theft. This he did by posting online the list that is republished above here. Secondly he set about trying to raise some funds towards purchasing a replacement laptop by going online and seeking donations in exchange for new tracks of his music. The response was even better than anticipated which greatly pleased the artist born David Wangwhose laptop is more than simply a device to send emails and update blogs etc. Rather Mochipet’s laptop is one of his main musical instruments. It is also his mobile recording studio, and where he stores a lot of his music and music on his label, Daly City Records.Hence it is an integral part of his career and life.

Mochipet said that, “My friend Grazsuggested that I put up a page with some of my music in return for donations, so I decided to make a 26 track collection of my work.” This he did and less then a week after he posted this offer, fans rallied and spread the word and ultimately raised enough money to buy him a new MacBook Pro. “I never thought I could raise the money in just less then a week. My hope was to just spread awareness to other musicians and gear being stolen from shows, and on tours,” said Mochipet noting how, “Believe it or not, after everyone takes their cut, we don’t make that much money as an underground artist. Everyone doing this is just doing for the music and when people come and steal your stuff it really puts a negative feeling to the whole purpose of music, which I feel is to uplift people.” Mochipet added that he is still seeking his old laptop and asks anyone (especially in LA area) if they see it (description below) to contact him at and for general info visit Daly City Records website.

Mochipet’s Laptop Specs: MacBookPro 15″ Dark Purple Hardshell Speck case Ableton
Live Gel Keyboard Cover Serial # C02FG82ADF91 & Part # Z0M1000BQ


城市遊牧影展開幕派對好熱鬧 DJ界台灣之光「紫色恐龍MOCHIPET」現身

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火箭科學家加上幼稚園老師、台灣加上舊金山,再補上一顆愛玩音樂敢冒險的心,長年旅居國外的MOCHIPET,藏身在紫色恐龍道具服下,是一個來自台灣而在美國西岸大放光彩的音樂創作者。MOCHIPET在台灣出生,父母皆是台裔電子/hip hop製作人,定居在西岸音樂重鎮舊金山,表演總是穿著紫色恐龍裝,製作的音樂相當廣,不僅作品獲得極高的評價,也吸引了許多不同類型的藝人、製作人爭相找他合作。2012城市遊牧影展即將在4月12日開幕派對特別邀請他現身,讓台灣的朋友也能親自體驗他的厲害!除此之外,此次開幕的重要嘉賓還請到東京前衛電子組合「三奶頭 TRIPPPLE NIPPPLES」首度來台,是一組近年歐美炙手可熱的表演團體,音樂融合裝置藝術的現場演出也將讓大家值回票價。早鳥票一張500元開放預購至3月18日,一般預售票至4月13日止,還請各位朋友把握機會趕緊搶購。(

如果說林書豪是籃球界的台灣之光,那麼MOCHIPET可說是DJ界的台灣之光也不為過。出生於台灣、定居美國的MOCHIPET,從小深受同是音樂人的雙親耳濡目染,創作類型從電子、實驗電子、IDM、breakcore、hardcore techno、reggae、dubstep到hip hop都有,把玩各多種音樂卻不含糊。他的高超刮盤技巧源自於對音樂的熱情,即便是今日逐漸數位化的電子DJ設備,MOCHIPET還是不時帶著黑膠唱片上場。他曾在美國加州著名的爵士音樂台KCSM獨挑大梁擔任3小時節目的音樂DJ,不但曾與BEASTIE BOYS一同製作過遊戲音樂,最令人讚嘆的是2008年一組二十人制交響樂團,曾在紐約卡內基音樂廳改編並演繹他的作品 “Dessert Search for Techno Baklava”。除此之外,專業滑板手Ray Barbee、電音女王Ellen Allien,甚至爵士鼓手都是他合作的對象。他對各種類型音樂的涉獵以及豐富的經歷讓光芒難被埋沒,旋風已經遠從美西橫掃至美東,台灣樂評愛吹倫也特別撰文推薦,「現場演出是一次次完美的mashup,將不同類型的音樂做一個最完善的處理,帶動現場氣氛的功力也是一絕!」無疑是當今美國電子/hip hop樂界的紅人。

另外一組開幕派對的嘉賓,則是來自東京的前衛電子組「三奶頭TRIPPPLE NIPPPLES」。英國衛報(The Guardian)形容他們的現場表演「是那種傳奇性演出」,也有人說他們音樂的衝擊波會一擊致命,美國音樂教父、N.E.R.D主腦菲董(Pharrell Williams)不僅急切地想與他們合作,更親口背書:「他們有夠瞎趴!」

他們究竟有多厲害?2010年曾於日本大型音樂祭Summer Sonic演出,2011年即被邀請到歐洲兩次巡迴,Die Antwoord 跟80年代傳奇電子 pop 樂團 Devo 都邀請他們做暖場,Vice雜誌還特別找他們主持東京音樂節目,2011年底在紐約七場表演都 完售!他們融合electro節奏和punk的樂風,演出現場經常使用燈光、極限服裝、發射器等裝置藝術,帶著趣味又隱含情色和極其激烈的表演,絕不能錯過他們當紅的魅力。

2012第11屆城市遊牧影展即將於4月12日起跑,於開幕首週末舉辦的開幕派對一直都是影展一大特色。今年除了邀請國外難得一見的藝人,台灣樂迷一直喜愛的電音搖滾暴女GO CHIC、節奏舒爽Q電的FUNKY BROTHERS、各大派對的掌門舵手DJ MARCUS AURELIUS、DMC DJ競賽冠軍的DJ NOODLES麵麵也都是派對的指定名單。加上現場絕對少不了的VJ、音樂、表演者視覺饗宴,就是要撩撥起每個人心中的迷幻小宇宙。此次影展為期十一天至4月22日止,於華山文創園區舉行,預計共放映十餘部紀錄片和劇情片,以及入圍競賽和觀摩單元的數十部創作短片。不忘影展創立時的獨立與反向思考精神,這次也帶來一系列關於設計藝術、環境生態、網路文化、音樂人物等各主題的影片共襄盛舉。更多資訊,請參考官方網站:,或加入臉書專頁:

2012城市遊牧影展開幕派對 購票資訊:
NT500 限量早鳥票 (3/1開賣至3/18)
NT600 預售
NT700 現場


The Daily Dread: Mochipet & MC Zulu – “To The East”

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MCZULU & MOCHIPET – To The East (Free Download) from Mochipet is Evil by Mochipet

Earlier today, Mochipet & MC Zulu offered up a free download of a track from the pair’s forthcoming collaborative LP, Mochipet Is Evil – a joint release slated for release on April 3rd through Mochi’s Daly City Records.

This track has me salivating to hear the rest of the album, as it sees Mochipet’s production on a bit more of a tropical funky vibe, even incorporating Eastern melodies as the name would suggest – as opposed to the glitchier beats he’s become known for.  This single is said to include remixes from Freddy ToddHellfire MachinaSkulltraneBD1982and BC’s own Yan Zombie & Jay Wikid – in fact, Yan’s remix of the title track “Mochipet Is Evil” can be previewed now.

Mochipet is based in California, and is out on his “Pet Your Godzilla” tour throughout the states this month – you may have heard about him having his MacBook stolen from a gig in New Orleans a couple weeks back, and in hopes of recouping costs to purchase another, he has posted up a 26-track album for purchase on his bandcamp page, including his newest track, “You Can Steal My Laptop But You Can’t Steal My Swing.”  Keep up with Mochi on his websitesoundcloudfacebook, & twitter.

MC Zulu is a Panama-native, now Chicago-based vocalist & musician with a wealth of material dating back over ten years ago, having worked with producers such as Poirier,DJ CKush Arora & Chrissy Murderbot.  Late last year he released the full length Electro Track Therapy to positive reviews, containing personal favorites such as the Poirier-produced “Call Red Alert” and “Outlaw Speakerbox,” on a riddim crafted by Brazilian producer/DJ Maga Bo.  The album is available here on Juno or here on Beatport.  He runs an excellent blog, hosted within his website, and as well as a very active facebook fanpage, you can also catch him on twitter, or check out the wealth of original music on his soundcloud.

To mark the release of their new LP, there will be a huge release party in San Francisco tonight (March 9th), with a slew of special guests – check the details here.  Here in BC, we are planning on having our own set of album release parties, including a date here in Vancouver on Friday April 20th at W2 alongside Cyphanex badman Yan Zombie and another show the following night in Nelson at the Spiritbar.  Keep your eyes peeled for full party info once its been released!

Mochipet Remixes Kid606 (Tigerbeat6/Berlin)

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Ejaculazer Tag: A big 80 bpm blast of shiny synthesizer funk influenced in equal parts by Dr. Dre, Daft Punk, and Vangelis.

Mochipet brings an epic remix that makes the original sound small in comparison with sweeping strings and a soaring angelic vocal chorus.

We call it life: another 80 bpm Sci-fi hip hop jam, but dark and brooding with a more dirty south crunk influence.

Ejaculazer Tag 160bpm club remix: High power 160 bpm hyped up
juke styled remix.

Cartoon funk: this one is just plain freaky and weird like someone spilled cough syrup in your 808 and it had a mind of its own.

Ejaculazer Tag – Joe Lentini Dub: New Schematic artist Joe Lentini shows another side of his incredibly diverse style with this thick and contemplative smoothjam.

Let’s Get Radioactive – Kanji Kinetic remix: Mutantbass Mastermind and the UK’s most underrated producer makes a fun and nasty hardcore crowdpleaser out of Kid606’s delusional song about aliens and nuclear energy.

Cover art by Dj Zhao

Artist: Kid606
Album Title: Ejaculazer Tag EP
Catalogue Number: meow187
Label: Tigerbeat6
Release Date: March 26th, 2012
Format: digital EP
Label Contact:



1. Ejaculazer Tag
2. Ejaculazer Tag – Mochipet remix
3. We Call It Life
4. Ejaculazer Tag – 160bpm club remix
5. Cartooon Funk
6. Ejaculazer Tag – Joe Lentini Dub
7. Let’s Get Radioactive – Kanji Kinetic remix

MCZulu & Mochipet – This Friday 3/9 @ICON Ultra Lounge SF

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Performing in a purple dinosaur suit isn’t Mochipet’s only claim to fame — he also occasionally spins real vinyl, collaborates with local jazz ensembles (like The Evan Francis Group, formerly Spaceheater), and creates mashups from bands that are more similar in moniker than they are in tone (e.g., Cash Money Millionaires and Johnny Cash). Also, he knows his music history: The turntablist formerly known as David Wang used to have his own three-hour show on San Mateo’s KCSM, one in a small handful of extant non-commercial jazz stations. Such disparate influences are unusual for a DJ, even in the progressive Bay Area, and it’s no wonder that Mochipet is such a rousing success. Perhaps the biggest testament to his stature as an artist was a 2008 concert at Carnegie Hall, during which a twenty-piece orchestra played Stefan Freund’s arrangement of the Mochipet piece, “Dessert Search for Techno Baklava.” This week Mochipet will unveil a new album, Mochipet Is Evil, which he produced in collaboration with dancehall vocalist MC Zulu. They’ll celebrate with a cast of several other DJs on Friday, Mar. 9, at ICON Ultra Lounge (1192 Folsom St., San Francisco). 9 p.m., $10.

— Rachel Swan

MCZULU + MOCHIPET Album Release Party plus VERY special guests!

Friday, March 9, 2012 | 9:00pm until 4:00am


Legendary MC Zulu will be joining SF’s very own bass droppin’ master, Mochipet for one RAGER of a party on Friday March 9th to celebrate the release of their upcoming album, “Mochipet is Evil” coming out on Daly City Records!

**MOCHIPET** (Daly City)
Born in Taiwan to a rocket scientist father and kindergarten teacher mother, David Y Wang aka Mochipet’s music has traveled the globe from Europe to Asia and everything in between. With many overseas and US tours his music has been featured in Videos Games with the Beastie Boys as well as performed by a 20-piece orchestra at New York’s Carnegie Hall. David sees no boundaries in music, which is why he has worked with everyone from Professional Skateboarder Ray Barbee, to Techno Queen Ellen Allien, Jazz drummer Weasel Walter, of The Flying Luttenbachers, and Mashup DJ Z-Trip. Recently you may have heard his songs dropped by DJs such as Bassnectar. He just finished a tour with Sound Tribe Sector 9 and is currently in the studio working on his new release “Rawr Means I Love You” Due out in 2012!

**MC ZULU** (Chicago)
MC ZULU does not make reggae in the traditional sense. His unique blend of electro bass grooves and Caribbean style dancehall vocals creates a new form of dancehall reggae from the outer reaches of space. -URB Magazine

Kush Arora has been sculpting sound in San Francisco and beyond for the past decade. He has branded his own signature imprint on bass driven music. All shades of Dub, Garage,Dancehall,and Indo-Caribbean influences merge into the unique genre known worldwide as Dread Bass. Intelligent yet driving, cultural and simultaneously resistant, the tunes walk the balance between the club and the studio, keeping motion in mind.With these futuristic stylings, Kush wears many hats all rooted in Dub and Electronica. These influences can be heard throughout his diverse,10-record discography.

Former Detroiter, now residing in San Francisco.This girl def knows her Dub and will definitely keep your feet moving and your head bobbin. If you missed her before, this is your chance to see this girl move the crowd. The Bay Area is toying with disaster by laying on a huge fault line with talent such as SKULLTRANE producing her jawdropping dubstep with MalLabel Music and her own label Cutty Dubs. Come plunge in to the bass of this talented female who is on fire right now! You’ll be able to say you saw her before she becomes a household name as one of best dubstep female producers, which will be in the very near future.

**DJ SEP**
DJ Sep is the founder, promoter, and main resident dj at Dub Mission, one of the longest running dub & reggae parties in the U.S., possibly the world. A weekly Sunday night party based in San Francisco, Dub Mission presents cutting-edge dub, roots reggae, dancehall, and dubstep, and will celebrate its 15th anniversary in 2011. Dub Mission has featured artists from all over the world, including The Scientist, Mad Professor, Adrian Sherwood, and Twilight Circus Dub Sound System to name a few. In 1999, Dub Mission won a Bay Guardian Goldie award in the music category. DJ Sep has also been nominated for an SF Weekly Music Award in the best DJ category, and has spun at venues and clubs in London, New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Miami, San Diego, and throughout the Bay Area. For more information, visit: or

This man is a sorcerer of sorts, and his sets fall nowhere short of shocking. A powerful and energetic force on the decks, El Diablo is responsible for the music behind MalLabel’s theme song ‘Rollin With My Crew,’ and is known to flip it to psyphy when the BPM is getting too high, but the crowd’s high is just right. Our own devil with the following details: party rocking crazy pants. El Diablo cut his teeth in the electronic world with San Francisco’s acclaimed Dhamaal Soundsystem. The crew’s Worldly drum n bass sound garnered international attention with their 2004 self-titled debut album, and while the album sold several thousand copies in the US and abroad, the singles, EPs and remixes earned consistent airplay and licensing for various features. His first Release for Mallabel, “Rollin With My Crew” in November 2009, was a top 10 Bestseller on Juno download for over 5 weeks, topping at number 5 and prompting the first Dubstep Music Video release for the title track. He continues to be one of MalLabel Music’s best selling and most popular artists. His latest Album, “Devil in the Machine”, released Oct 24th 2011 on MalLabel, features a collaboration with legendary DnB dj, UFO! and remixes by Megalodon and Liquid Stranger and renews his success, reaching #41 on the Beatport Dubstep Charts.

Dazzling audiences with stunning word play and funky rhythms unheard in hip-hop and dance music, Joe Mousepad, who hails from New Hampshire, has earned a place as a prominent emcee in the international music community. Relocating to Boston in 2002 and eventually to San Francisco in 2007, his interactions with the hip hop and bass music scenes have pushed him in style and form, utilizing his abilities to play on any tempo and genre. You may have seen him at such music events as, Low End Theory, South by Southwest, and countless festivals along the west coast. Joe is no stranger to the decks as well, and has begun taking over beats AND the microphone, launching into what will soon be a beyond epic year creatively for Mr. Mousepad.

Sifting through the ashes of a post-apocalyptic city, searching the remains of clubs and theaters, one of the lone survivors, Alpaca, braves the new world optimistically with a Jedi Blaster, collecting the necessary pieces to begin a new civilization. Brushing broken glass from subwoofers & loading a stolen DeLorean, elements of a new bass utopia are assembled at the foot of Dolores Park. Having spent the previous decade as a pioneering land un-developer, replacing mega-housing with green space, the solitude of the newly abandoned planet was welcome. But a community had to be assembled to attempt any kind of party, or you know, to reproduce. Forging a crude wall of sound, Alpaca broadcasts a bass beacon developed in the early 2000’s, specifically tuned to attract heads & repel mindless bros responsible for the planet’s destruction. Patiently waiting for signs of life, he drops jams for the world to find – it’s all he knows to do.

Hellefante top dog, beauty, boss, and producer, WolfBitch is on the prowl. Her infectious blend of futuristic bass, house, dubstep, and tastemaker electronica sets her apart from her contemporaries in the San Francisco scene. Recently playing high profile gigs has seen Wolfbitch hungrier than ever- this set will not be one to miss.

As a child working in South Africa’s Witwatersrand uranium mines, VNDMG never dreamed of being the worldwide sensation he has yet to become. The harrowing effects of years of radiation poisoning are still evident, but his indomitable spirit has kept him upbeat in the face of ongoing adversity.
Though chock-full of intrigue, the tale of VNDMG’s journey to California is long forgotten. His history picks up as 2004 saw him working for slave wages in the Tenderloin spinning Bubblegum House in a dark basement club. One fateful day, a drunk patron spilled his drink and shorted the mixer. In the ensuing silence,VNDMG heard a strange and wonderful sound coming through the basement window – a sound he would later recognize as Glitch Hop. When the good people at Daly City Records found VNDMG, he was malnourished and confused, but his head was swirling with basslines and distorted synths. Within months he was rocking dance floors from the Bay Area to the Black Rock Desert where he has shared the stage with the likes of Kraddy, AK1200, Mochipet, Noah D, Ill-Esha, & Freq Nasty, amongst others.

**Party will be filmed for upcoming Mochipet & MC Zulu video**

We will also be celebrating Kaitlyn Noelle Starbuck turning 32… and for all those that have attended one of Ms. Starbuck’s previous Bday Bashes… you KNOW what is in store, so get ready!!!

*And because she adores costume parties and of course a good hot mess, we’ve decided to pair the 2 together…

Theme is any celeb; dead or alive…. so pick your fave Hollywood starlet, worst rich annoying heiress or biggest hair 80’s band member… it’s time to party like Rockstars B*itches! 🙂


ICON Ultra Lounge
1198 Folsom Street

Mochipet Remixes STS9′s “Scheme”

Happy Valentines Day From Mochipet 1320 and STS9 (STS9 – Scheme – Mochipet Remix) Free Download by Mochipet

Tyrannosaurus Rex?? No… Mochipet!! The bass-ballin’ prehistoric brainchild of David Wang, Mochipet (1320 Records) has become a household name among all connoisseurs of womp. Accumulating a huge following across the US and Europe, Wang has been dominating dance floors while reppin’ a purple dino-suit.

Showing the love to all of his fans on Valentine’s Day, Mochipet released another remix of an STS9 song: this time, “Scheme”. If you haven’t heard Wang’s first STS9 remix, “When The Dust Settles”, then be sure to check it out below. Enjoy the tunes!!

Mochipet Loves You! Contest

Score Mochi’s latest remix abum. Chicxulub Rebirth out 2/14 on 1328 Records & an official Mochipet Tshirt! Free for Valentines Day! XOXO Featuring Remixes by: Sugarpill, Derek VanScoten D.V.S., S.P.E.C.T.R.E, Papa Skunk, Freddy Todd, Elfkowitz, Preshish Moments, Smash & Grab, Bass Science, Free Crush, Living~Stone, Dkon Remix, Profresher Blacklight, Renee Leah, and Zen Death Squad!

Contest Rules
How to score in 3 easy steps:
1. Go to
2. Post & tell us what you’re fave Mochi track is and why
3. We’ll pick our fave 4 posts and voila! You just scored some sweet Mochipet gear plus his latest album!

*giveaway ends Friday 2/17/12

Download the free Mochipet Remix of Scheme by STS9!

Happy Valentines Day From Mochipet 1320 and STS9 (STS9 – Scheme – Mochipet Remix) Free Download by Mochipet

Get the New Chicxulub Remix Record from 1320Records!

Click Here To Download from 1320Records!

Copyright © Mochipet